1,103 research outputs found

    Rhythmic complexity and predictive coding::A novel approach to modeling rhythm and meter perception in music

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    Musical rhythm, consisting of apparently abstract intervals of accented temporal events, has a remarkable capacity to move our minds and bodies. How does the cognitive system enable our experiences of rhythmically complex music? In this paper, we describe some common forms of rhythmic complexity in music and propose the theory of predictive coding (PC) as a framework for understanding how rhythm and rhythmic complexity are processed in the brain. We also consider why we feel so compelled by rhythmic tension in music. First, we consider theories of rhythm and meter perception, which provide hierarchical and computational approaches to modeling. Second, we present the theory of PC, which posits a hierarchical organization of brain responses reflecting fundamental, survival-related mechanisms associated with predicting future events. According to this theory, perception and learning is manifested through the brain’s Bayesian minimization of the error between the input to the brain and the brain’s prior expectations. Third, we develop a PC model of musical rhythm, in which rhythm perception is conceptualized as an interaction between what is heard (“rhythm”) and the brain’s anticipatory structuring of music (“meter”). Finally, we review empirical studies of the neural and behavioral effects of syncopation, polyrhythm and groove, and propose how these studies can be seen as special cases of the PC theory. We argue that musical rhythm exploits the brain’s general principles of prediction and propose that pleasure and desire for sensorimotor synchronization from musical rhythm may be a result of such mechanisms

    Feeling at one: Socio-affective distribution, vibe, and dance-music consciousness

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    In this chapter, the embodied consciousness of clubbing and raving is considered through the theory of extended mind, according to which the mind is a distributed system where brain, body, and environment play equal parts. Building on the idea of music as affective atmosphere, a case is made for considering the vibe of a dance party as cognitively, socially, and affectively distributed. The chapter suggests that participating in the vibe affords primary musical consciousness—a kind of pre-reflexive state characterized by affective and bodily knowledge—and speculates about the neural correlates of clubbing and raving by means of an analogy with brain research on psychedelic states

    Experiencing Anxiety about Self-Efficacy during Teamwork

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    Introduction: High perceived self-efficacy in teamwork is significant for the accomplishment of objectives typical of adolescence. The levels of trait-anxiety and state-anxiety among children and teenagers grow with age. Anxiety can be provoked by both situations at school and lack of acceptance from one’s peer group. Girls with high levels of anxiety are more likely than boys to perceive themselves in negative terms.The objective of the study: The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between self-efficacy in relation to teamwork and the level of anxiety considered as either a state or a trait (defined as a relatively fixed disposition). Resources and methodology: The survey covered 66 first-year schoolchildren from lower-secondary schools in Lublin. Tools used: The Self-Efficacy in Teamwork Questionnaire and The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (STAIC). Study findings: A statistically significant correlation was found between gender and state-anxiety levels (r = 0.254, p <0.05), and trait-anxiety levels (r = 0.323, p <0.01), and the level of self-discovery as a result of social interaction (r = -0.265; p <0.05). Persons with low levels of self-discovery, concerning especially the determination of their preference for teamwork, achieved high scores in state-anxiety (37.5%). The obtained results prove that schoolchildren with high levels of trait-anxiety, and, consequently, state-anxiety, do not prefer teamwork. The proposed hypothesis was confirmed by the results of the study.Introduction: High perceived self-efficacy in teamwork is significant for the accomplishment of objectives typical of adolescence. The levels of trait-anxiety and state-anxiety among children and teenagers grow with age. Anxiety can be provoked by both situations at school and lack of acceptance from one’s peer group. Girls with high levels of anxiety are more likely than boys to perceive themselves in negative terms.The objective of the study: The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between self-efficacy in relation to teamwork and the level of anxiety considered as either a state or a trait (defined as a relatively fixed disposition). Resources and methodology: The survey covered 66 first-year schoolchildren from lower-secondary schools in Lublin. Tools used: The Self-Efficacy in Teamwork Questionnaire and The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (STAIC). Study findings: A statistically significant correlation was found between gender and state-anxiety levels (r = 0.254, p <0.05), and trait-anxiety levels (r = 0.323, p <0.01), and the level of self-discovery as a result of social interaction (r = -0.265; p <0.05). Persons with low levels of self-discovery, concerning especially the determination of their preference for teamwork, achieved high scores in state-anxiety (37.5%). The obtained results prove that schoolchildren with high levels of trait-anxiety, and, consequently, state-anxiety, do not prefer teamwork. The proposed hypothesis was confirmed by the results of the study

    Wyniki leczenia neurochirurgicznego gruczolaków kortykotropowych przysadki w zespole Nelsona — pułapki terapeutyczne

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      Introduction: Nelson’s syndrome (NS) is a rare clinical syndrome caused by an enlarging, aggressive corticotroph pituitary adenoma that can occur following bilateral adrenalectomy performed in the treatment of refractory Cushing’s disease (CD). Such tumours respond poorly to currently available therapeutic options, which include surgery, radiotherapy, pharmacotherapy, and chemotherapy. They are a challenging problem in neurosurgical practice. The aim of this work was to evaluate the early and long-term results of microsurgery in a single surgeon’s series of patients with NS. Material and methods: During the period from January 2000 to December 2005, 10 patients with NS underwent surgery. The authors analysed surgical outcomes in the NS group of seven women and three men with the mean age of 47.99 years (range 39–66, SD ± 8.47 years). NS was diagnosed based on clinical signs and symptoms, especially hyperpigmentation of the skin, elevated serum ACTH levels, and pituitary tumour growth. Parasellar extension of the adenomas was assessed in both groups according to Knosp’s and Hardy-Wilson classifications. Pituitary function and radiographs were evaluated in the early postoperative period, 30 days after the operation, and during follow-up. Histological examination was based on the WHO (2004) criteria. Results: According to the criteria for Nelson’s syndrome remission, five patients (50%) were cured. No perioperative mortality was reported. Three patients developed pituitary insufficiency and two patients developed diabetes insipidus. There was one case of postoperative cerebrospinal fluid leakage. One patient was diagnosed with pituitary carcinoma. Conclusions: Transsphenoidal microsurgical removal of pituitary adenomas is a safe and effective treatment of Nelson’ syndrome. (Endokrynol Pol 2015; 66 (6): 504–513)    Wstęp: Zespół Nelsona (NS) to rzadko występująca jednostka chorobowa spowodowana agresywnym, inwazyjnym rozrostem gruczolaka kortykotropowego przysadki u pacjentów podanych obustronnej ratunkowej adrenalektomii w następstwie przetrwałej choroby Cushinga. Skuteczność dostępnym metod terapeutycznych: leczenia chirurgicznego, radioterapii, leczenia farmakologicznego i chemioterapii jest w tych przypadkach ograniczona. Leczenie chorych z NS pozostaje wyzwaniem w praktyce neurochirurgicznej. Celem pracy była ocena wczesnych i odległych wyników leczenia mikrochirurgicznego gruczolaków kortykotropowych przebiegających z objawami NS. Materiał i metody: Analizie poddano wyniki 10 chorych (7 kobiet i 3 mężczyzn, średnia wieku 47,99 lat (w zakresie 39–66, SD ± 8.47 lat) operowanych w okresie od stycznia 2000 do grudnia 2005 roku przez jednego chirurga. Zespół Nelsona rozpoznano na podstawie objawów klinicznych (hiperpigmentacji skóry i błon śluzowych), wyników badań biochemicznych (wysokie wartości ACTH w surowicy) oraz wzrostu gruczolaka przysadki. Okołosiodłowy rozrost guza przysadki oceniano na podstawie skali Knospa i Hardyego-Wilsona. Czynność hormonalną przysadki analizowano we wczesnym okresie pooperacyjnym, 30 dni po operacji oraz w okresie obserwacji odległej. Ocenę histopatologiczną przeprowadzono według wytycznych klasyfikacji WHO (2004). Wyniki: Remisję zespołu Nelsona uzyskano u 5 chorych. W analizowanej grupie nie było powikłań śmiertelnych w okresie okołooperacyjnym. Po operacji w 3 przypadkach wystąpiła niedoczynność przysadki, a moczówka prosta u 2 chorych. W jednym przypadku po operacji wystąpił płynotok pooperacyjny. U jednej chorej w okresie obserwacji stwierdzono ewolucję guza w rak przysadki. Wnioski: Leczenie mikrochirurgiczne gruczolaków przysadki w NS jest metodą skuteczną i bezpieczną. (Endokrynol Pol 2015; 66 (6): 504–513)

    Comment on Solberg and Jensenius: The Temporal Dynamics of Embodied Pleasure in Music

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    In the paper 'Pleasurable and Intersubjective Embodied Experiences of Electronic Dance Music', Ragnhild Torvanger Solberg and Alexander Refsum Jensenius report on a study in which the movements and self-reported affective responses of a group of dancing participants were recorded and related to structural properties of Electronic Dance Music. They observed that, compared with tracks that had a relatively flat dynamic development, tracks which included a 'break-down', 'build-up' and 'drop' of textural layers were associated with greater changes in movement amount and higher ratings of pleasure. Here I comment on their results and methodological approach and use the opportunity to address the continuous pleasure that was treated as a control in this experiment, discussing some reasons why affective responses to music with more evenly distributed dynamic progressions are so often ignored

    Sięganie po napoje energetyzujące a umiejętność skutecznego radzenia sobie z sytuacją trudną w opinii studentów

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    Dynamically changing reality poses new challenges to us hence the need to be mobile and dispositional. Consequently, we are reaching for different products that increase our performance often at the expense of our own health. The research was conducted among students of the first year of humanities at the UMCS in Lublin. The questionnaire of authors’ own design was used to determine the frequency of reaching for energy drinks by the tested students as well as their tasks and duties. CISS and GSES were used to diagnose styles of coping with stress and self-efficacy. Almost half of the respondents do not reach for energy drinks and one in ten admits to frequently reach for such beverages. No dependence was observed between reaching for energy drinks and the styles used by the respondents in different difficult situations and levels of self-efficacy.Dynamicznie zmieniająca się rzeczywistość stawia nam wciąż nowe wyzwania, stąd konieczność bycia mobilnym i dyspozycyjnym. W konsekwencji sięgamy po różne produkty zwiększające naszą wydajność, nierzadko kosztem własnego zdrowia. Badania przeprowadzono wśród studentów I roku kierunków humanistycznych UMCS w Lublinie. Do określenia zjawiska częstości sięgania przez badanych po napoje energetyzujące i stojących przed nimi zadań oraz obowiązków wykorzystano ankietę własnej konstrukcji, zaś do zdiagnozowania stylów radzenia sobie ze stresem i poczucia własnej skuteczności zastosowano CISS i GSES. Niemal połowa badanych nie sięga po napoje energetyzujące, a do częstego sięgania przyznaje się co dziesiąty z badanych. Młodzi ludzie, korzystając z tych napojów, mają świadomość zagrożeń dla zdrowia. Nie odnotowano istnienia zależności między sięganiem po napoje energetyzujące a stylami stosowanymi przez badanych w różnych sytuacjach trudnych i poziomem poczucia własnej skuteczności

    Choroba Cushinga - jak ocenić skuteczność operacji przezklinowej

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    Cushing’s disease (CD) is caused by a pituitary adenoma secreting corticotrophin (ACTH) that leads to cortisol excess. Despite a characteristic clinical picture, it is often difficult to make a proper diagnosis, as it requires complex and long-lasting diagnostic procedures. Selective transsphenoidal surgery (TSS) remains the treatment of choice for CD. Untreated or improperly treated Cushing’s disease leads to the development of serious complications, which lower patients’ quality of life. Mortality in this group is high, reaching 50% within a 5-year follow-up period. In this study, we present our own experience and discuss the importance of preoperative hormone measurements, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the pituitary, results of histopathological examination (immunohistochemical and ultrastructural in electron microscopy) and postoperative early and late hormonal assessment in the aspect of TSS efficacy. The performed analysis is based on the current criteria for remission of Cushing’s disease. Our study emphasises the need for long-term postoperative endocrinological follow-up, which facilitates early detection of recurrent hypercortisolemia. (Endokrynol Pol 2012; 63 (5): 398-403)Przyczyną choroby Cushinga jest gruczolak przysadki wydzielający kortykotropinę (ACTH) i prowadzący do nadczynności kory nadnerczy. Mimo charakterystycznego obrazu klinicznego trudne jest prawidłowe rozpoznanie, wymaga złożonej i długotrwałej diagnostyki endokrynologicznej. Leczeniem z wyboru pozostaje selektywna, przezklinowa operacja guza przysadki. Nieleczona lub źle leczona choroba Cushinga prowadzi do rozwoju poważnych powikłań, które przyczyniają się do obniżenia jakości życia pacjentów. Śmiertelność w tej grupie dotyczy 50% chorych w czasie 5-letniej obserwacji. Autorzy opracowania prezentują doświadczenia własne i omawiają znaczenie przedoperacyjnych oznaczeń hormonalnych, obrazowania przysadki mózgowej metodą rezonansu magnetycznego, wyników badania histopatologicznego (oceny immunohistochemicznej i ultrastrukturalnej w mikroskopie elektronowym) oraz pooperacyjnej wczesnej i odległej oceny hormonalnej w aspekcie skuteczności leczenia neurochirurgicznego. Dokonana analiza opiera się na obowiązujących kryteriach remisji choroby Cushinga. W opracowaniu podkreślono konieczność długoletniego, pooperacyjnego nadzoru endokrynologicznego, który umożliwia wczesne wykrycie nawrotu hiperkortyzolemii. (Endokrynol Pol 2012; 63 (5): 398-403

    Oxytocin improves synchronisation in leader-follower interaction

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